Egerton University Student Association
The Students Voice!
To champion the democratic rights of its members while embracing the virtues and principles of social justice, consensus building, integrity and constructive engagement.
In liaison with other student organizations; SUEU seeks to advance and champion the collective national interests and concerns of Kenya?s University students.
- To engage in crisis management where integrity, dialogue & constructive criticism aimed at improving our University shall be embraced.
- To encourage comrades to be creative, innovative & observe moral & social justice.
- To be an outstanding organizational point of reference in a just, democratic, transparent academic and scholarly environment at Egerton University and beyond.
- SUEU remains morally obliged and duty bound to foster a peaceful and stable teaching, learning and research-enabling environment that will continue to propel Egerton as a University and Kenya as a nation to greater heights of scholarly and socio-economic prosperity.
- To participate fully in University activities with the aim of making it achieve its vision of becoming a world-class University for the advancement of humanity.
About NTCC Students Government (EUSA)
The major role of the student council is to listen to the students' problems so that we can move all in one boat as the Nakuru Town Campus College family. We can only achieve this by working with the staff and the management so as to come up with effective solutions to the raising issues. Through this we can encourage the students to speak up and be open in matters relating to their being in Nakuru Town Campus College (NTCC).
The student council is dedicated to ensuring the harmony between the various clubs, organizations and sports teams improve on their co-curricular activities since this will improve the diverse talents of the students’ fraternity.
Student council is made up of members that are elected by students in each level including the chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary general, treasurer, sports coordinator, speaker, programme representatives and foreign student representatives assisted by Dean of Students’ Office. The overall goal of this council is to represent each level and a student as a whole and provide leadership for the student body.
Section 2 of the Egerton University Act 1987 defines the students association? as an association of the students recognized by the council as being an organization representative of the student of the University.
The Students Union of Egerton University (SUEU) represents the individual and collective interests of the whole student body in various constituent organs of Egerton University. As provided for in its constitution, SUEU holds its free, fair and democratic elections once every academic year. The Union Congress, which got entrenched into the SUEU constitution after its 2001 review, operates much like the Commonwealth Parliamentary system and in principle grater student representation and administrative involvement in the various constituent organs of the University.
Students are expected to play an important role in the management of the University and have input in decision making especially in matters that affect them. In this respect, and in accordance with the Egerton University Act of, 1987, there is a student association of all registered students of Egerton recognized by Senate and Council. For purposes of representation in the Council and Senate, the students association elects its representative in accordance with its constitution.
Students are also represented in other committees of the University in accordance with the University statutes. The student's association constitution is approved by Senate and Council and guides the association's activities. The Students? Association holds its elections once every academic year in accordance with its constitution. Membership in the association is by payment of a prescribed membership fee and annual subscription in accordance with the constitution.‚ The student association operates under the office of the Dean of Students, which also acts as the linkage between students and the administration. The association and its representative body play a very important role in the University. Students are therefore advised and encouraged to participate actively and positively in the affairs of their association.
Current EUSA Positions
- Chairman
- Vice-Chairman
- Organizing Secretary
- Director Finance
- Director Academics
- Director Welfare
- Director Accomodation, Security & Catering
- Director Health and Welness
- Secretary General