1. Question: How can I become a member of the University library?
Answer: A Membership to the library is open to registered students and Staff. Academic and Non academic staff are to be recommended by their head of department.
2. Question: When are students registered as library members?
Answer: Registration of students will be done within the first month after admission in the first year subject to undergoing orientation.
3. Question: How can I borrow a library book?
Answer: All registered library members are allowed to borrow books and will be expected to identify themselves at the time of borrowing.
4. Question: Incase I delay or fail to return a book in time are there any charges?
Answer: Overdue library books will be charged a fine of:
(a)Longloan-Ksh 5.00 per day.
(b)Shortloan-Ksh 5/= for the first hour and Sh.10 for every subsequent hour.
5. Question: What would be the consequncies of loosing a library book.
Answer: For lost books members will be:
(a)Three times the cost of the book in print.
(a) Five times the cost of the book out of print.
6. Question: Am I allowed to photocopy a library book?
Answer: Photocopying is available at ksh.3/= per copy.Note: All photocopying is subject to :
(a) Copyright Act )Cap 130 Laws of Kenya)
(b)The Librarian?s authority to photocopy
(c) Written permission from the author's Theses and Dissertations.