Ms.Lilian NyamburaDeputy Registrar - NTCC
The major mission of the Office of the Deputy Registrar is to provide the Principal, Nakuru City Campus College, the University Registrar, Human Capital and Administration and the University Registrar, Academic Affairs the essential administrative, academic and human resource management support at Nakuru City Campus College and to facilitate excellent academic experience for students enrolled in the City Campus, from the time the students register through to their graduation ceremony.
Sections of DR's Office
- Administration
- Admissions
- Staff Registry
- Exams & Timetabling
- Maintenance
- Electronic Media and Studio
The office of the Deputy Registrar is responsible for the following activities:
- Supports the Principal of the Nakuru City Campus College in order to execute his mandate and effectively manage the College.
- Liaison role between the University Registrars and the College in administrative and academic matters.
- Implementation of Egerton University’s administrative and academic regulations in Nakuru City Campus College.
- Provides guidance and advice on administrative issues within the University’s established policies, rules and regulations.
- In-charge of administration and human resource management at Nakuru City Campus College.
- Offers leadership and strategic direction in issues relating to the academic and administrative operations including admissions of students, students’ registration, examinations and graduation ceremony.
- Coordinates timely annual staff performance appraisal for staff in the campus in line with University policy.
- Responsible for safe custody of students records - both past and present records.
- Supports the implementation of academic and administrative Policies.
- Provides assistance in the development and revision of University policies and procedures.
- Creates a conducive work environment to enable all staff members to work hard and strive for excellence in the pursuance of their duties and responsibilities.
- Conducts new staff induction and orientation so as to equip new staff with the necessary knowledge needed to execute their various tasks.
- Secretary to the Nakuru City Campus College Management Board.
- Coordinates security, transport, and maintenance operations and outsourced cleaning services for the College.
- Maintains the College’s risk register and risk mitigation plan.
- Preparation of the College’s Annual Performance Contract and quarterly performance contract reports.