NTCC Library Section
Welcome to Nakuru City Campus College (NCCC) Library which is part of the Egerton University Library system. The College Library began its operations in September 2001 with the start of the then Nakuru Town Campus. Initially services at the Library were offered in four branch libraries( West campus Library, Faculty of Law Library, the EU library and the Faculty of Health Sciences Library) However, two branches ( The Faculty of Law Library and the EU Library) have since been relocated to the Njoro Main Campus.
To become an excellent center for academic and research activities of the Egerton University Community, by providing a conducive environment for reading and learning at the campus level.
To support teaching, learning and research information needs of Egerton University community by providing access to information, disseminating relevant information resources and giving quality user centered services.
Library |
Section |
Name of Staff |
College Librarian |
NTCC Main Library (Bawani)
Circulation services |
Ms. Martha Kipruto –In-charge |
Reference Section & Library ICT |
Mr.Allam Kago - In-charge |
Technical processing |
Ms. Regina Koske -In-charge |
Circulation Services |
Mr. William Kipchumba- In-charge |
Faculty of Health Sciences(FHS) |
Circulation Services |
Mr. William Mbinda- In-charge |
Branches of the Nakuru City Campus (NCCC) Library
Currently the NCCC Library provides services through two branches;
Main branch Library
This Library is located at the administration block (Bawani) of Nakuru City Campus College and currently houses information resources for the Faculty of Commerce with a seating capacity of approximately 322 users.
Working Hours
Monday to Friday: 8am – 9pm
Saturday: 8.00 – 5pm
Sunday and public holidays: closed
Membership of the NCCC Library is open to registered students and staff. Registration of students is done within the first month after admission in the first year- subject to undergoing orientation.
University identification cards must be shown at the library entrance. External users shall produce national identification cards and the letter of authorization to use the Library.
A member who loses a University ID card cannot be served or gain entry to the Library unless on presentation of a valid document to support the loss.
Library rules
All NCCC libraries are guided by the University Library rules available at; https://www.egerton.ac.ke/rules-and-regulations
Circulation Services
The service is responsible for issuing books to users and receiving from the users and all general enquiries about the Library.
Borrowing of books from the Library
Print books are borrowed on either on long term or short term basis;
i)Books borrowed on Long term: This category of books is issued to users on a specified period of time as follows;
- Undergraduate students: 1 book for one week
- Postgraduate students: 2 books for one week
- Full-time lecturers: 5 books for 1 month.
- Non-teaching Staff: 2 books for one week
ii) Books borrowed on Short term;
Users are allowed to borrow the print books on short term as follows;
a)One (1)book for three hours during the day
b)One(1)book for overnight(to be borrowed in the evening or on Saturday afternoon)
Reference and information service
Provides reference, referral and user education services; current awareness services (CAS) and personalized research based services.
Internet services
The Library provides computers for use with a 24/7 internet connectivity to all registered students and staff. All users are free to use both the Local Area Network and the Wi-fi connectivity.
Reprographic services
- Photocopying
- Scanning:
- Printing
- Bindery
Email enquiries
Users can use this email ntclib@egerton.ac.ke to ask questions about your Library services available and how to access them, status of their account, including outstanding overdue books and accrued fines.
Research support service
The Library supports users doing research by;
- Checking for plagiarism
- Demonstration on how to use Referencing tools( Mendeley, Zotero)
- Proof reading and editing
- Literature searches
- On-on- One guide to accessing e-resources
- Regular training sessions on access and utilization of e-resources
- Important downloads for use while conducting research
i)APA referencing style at: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples
ii)The Board of Post Graduate Studies guidelines Preparation of a Research Proposal{ https://www.egerton.ac.ke/images/egerton_university/downloads/students/graduate_school_guidelines_proposal.pdf
Departmental Citizen Library Services delivery charter
The NCCC library provides services to users guided by the University Library departmental Citizens services delivery charter available at: https://www.egerton.ac.ke/library-department-citizen-service-delivery-charter
Library collection
The Library provides the following information resources to the users;
- Print Books that comprise of subjects in Commerce and general readership.
- Availability of Electronic resources; e-journals, e-books, e-databases available at: https://www.egerton.ac.ke/electronic-resources
- Institutional Repository. Available at: http://ir-library.egerton.ac.ke/jspui/
- Off Campus access ( users must request for registration from the librarian). Available at: https://egertonelibrary.remotexs.co/user/login
- E-Daily Nation paper( users must request login details from the librarian). Available at: https://epaper.nation.africa/product/daily-nation
- Thesis and Dissertations. Available at: http://ir-library.egerton.ac.ke/jspui/
- Ask-the- Librarian. Available at: https://www.egerton.ac.ke/ask
Library Catalogue (OPAC)
A specific computer is designated at the library to help users search their information resources or books of interest using the Library OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue).
This Library is located at the Faculty of Health Sciences complex in Milimani, Nakuru (next to the Provincial General Hospital). The Library provides information resources and adequate study area to cater for students in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Working Hours
Monday to Friday: 8.am to 7pm
Saturday: 8am to 5pm
Sunday and public Holidays: Closed
Membership to the Faculty Library
Membership of the Library is open to registered students and staff in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Registration of students is done within the first month after admission in the first year- subject to undergoing orientation.
Services offered
Circulation Services
The service is responsible for issuing books to users and receiving from the users in the Faculty of Health Sciences and all general enquiries about the library.
Internet Services
The Library provides 24/7 access to the internet and users can use the online catalogue(OPAC) within the premises of the library.
Library collection
The Library provides access to print books( relevant to health sciences and accessible from the shelves and electronic information resources( Available at: https://www.egerton.ac.ke/electronic-resources