Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Section
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a service support department that offers a wide range of ICT services, including support for data networks and internet services, computer maintenance and help desk assistance, and the supply of IT services in modern computer labs used for teaching, learning, and research.
Quality Objectives of ICT Department.
- Deliver at least 75% of performance contract Obligations.
- Resolve at least 80% of all user support incidences reported
- 90% availability of computer Labs for teaching and learning
ICT vision - to transition NCCC into an automated workspace that caters to the needs of faculty, students and staff.
ICT mission - To deliver, organize, and streamline the utilization of technology and information assets to meet the needs and expectations of NCCC and its stakeholders.
ICT Core Values - Teamwork & collaboration, Transparency, accountability and personal responsibility.
The Information communication technology function is cross-cutting, as it aims to address connectivity issues and harness emerging technologies to improve teaching and research capacity. The department has made modernizing the services and infrastructure that support NCCC's teaching and research activities a top priority.
The ICT Unit's goal is to offer suitable information and communication technologies so that our clients (staff and students) may get the data and services they require.
It gives NCCC access to the information and communication technology resources needed for the college to succeed. The Department supports the Office of the Principal, Dean of Students, Dean of Faculty, Admissions, Finance, Library, and Student Records Management System offices. Additional important tasks include business continuity and emergency planning, electronic information security, and end user support and training.
To guarantee prompt and efficient official communication with staff and students, the ICT department has promoted the adoption of corporate email and implemented a bulk messaging (EgertonNTCC) service platform.
For assistance and official communication, please reach out to us via:
Nakuru City campus College ICT Office, email address ntc-ict@egerton.ac.ke
Faculty of Commerce ICT section, email address foc@egerton.ac.ke
Faculty of Health Sciences ICT section, email address fhs@egerton.ac.ke