Under the Readers Service Division, the following services are offered:

  1. The Circulation Services Section is responsible for charging and discharging services. This includes the Reserve or short loan services; and interlibrary loan.
  2. The Reference and Information Services Section   is responsible for reference, referral, user education services; current awareness services (CAS), selective dissemination of information, Thesis, Projects, Periodicals, and Africana Section.
  3. The Resource Centre is responsible for provision of internet and online research services.

This section deals with collection development of the library resources. It relies on all its users to provide titles of interest but within respective academic disciplines. It then liaises with sections involved in procurement. The procurement of these titles is subject to availability of funds.

Titles of interest can be forwarded to the section through respective branch librarians or directly to the College Librarian or Librarian In-charge Technical Services. Titles that are not available in the specific library of choice, but are available in other Egerton University libraries can be borrowed by the librarians for the user when the request is presented.

Access to Information Resources

Our databases include information resources available in all our libraries and include print and electronic resources, and institutional repository.


Online Journals, E-books, Institutional Repository and Databases can be accessed by clicking on the UNIVERSITY LIBRARY web page, followed by the Information Board and then by clicking on the icon ‘E-resources’.


Post graduate projects, theses and dissertations are access through the UNIVERSITY LIBRARY web page, followed by the Information Board and then by clicking on the icon ‘Institutional Repository’.


The information resources are made accessible online through the Egerton University Home Page, on which you can find the EGERTON PORTAL. Click on the Library Catalogue icon for print information resources. Key in the title or author or key word of your topic of interest and proceed as per instructions.

Access and use of e-resources is provided in all our libraries. Training on access is also provided by the respective sections by the librarians.

Our Resource Centers are guided by the following guidelines::

  • There shall be a 30 minute time limit on the workstations.
  • Clients must produce their identification /smart cards or swipe cards while signing in.
  • There shall be no reservations for individual computer use.
  • There shall be no personal belongings,
  • Food stuffs and drinks shall not be permitted.
  • Smoking shall be prohibited.
  • Downloading files to the hard drive shall be prohibited.
  • Users shall be allowed to download files to Re-writable CDs.
  • No client shall be allowed to install or uninstall any software or change system settings violation to this shall result in loss of the facility’s privileges.
  • Personal communication shall be allowed (e-mail and chatting).
  • The facility reserves the right to schedule workstations for instruction or for access to electronic resources available only on specific machine.
  • Anti-virus software shall be loaded on every computer in the facility.
  • No laptops or other accessories shall be allowed in the facility.
  • Staff stationed at the facility shall be available to provide limited assistance in the use of the computers and other accessories.
  • Text handling services (word processing, typesetting, data analysis etc) shall be prohibited.
  • As outlined in the vision the facility shall be for that purpose therefore sending or displaying non-educational or disruptive information/messages, files or images shall be prohibited.
  • Playing computer games or music from any internet site shall not be allowed.
  • While accessing internet information services clients shall adhere to intellectual property laws, and security restrictions. No plagiarism.
  • Disruptive actions, either verbal and or physical shall be prohibited.
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"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"